Zoey would like to introduce you to Sariel. Sariel was recently rescued from a large-scale dog breeding facility in Nebraska where she was found in very poor condition due to years of neglect and over breeding. The following paragraph contains information from a blog written by Hearts United for Animals (HUA), the organization that helped rescue Sariel and is now caring for her.
Sariel’s name means “angel of guidance” that is what she soon will be. Sariel does not have long to live. Little Sariel recently had numerous mammary tumors removed from her tummy that had formed after 7 years of non-stop breeding. Unfortunately the Hearts United for Animals has received devastating news that the cancer has continued to spread to her lymphatic system. In spite of her recent surgery she is a happy probably for the first time in her life. The amazing employees and volunteers at Hearts United for Animals are adamant that they will do everything in their power to make sure that this little dog enjoys every second of each day she has left. Sariel adores people and is immensely enjoying her newfound freedom at Hearts United for Animals. She loves the grass and having the room to finally stretch her legs and wander around the buildings. You can often find her taking a break napping on a pile of soft blankets or towels. Everyone at Hearts United for Animals tells her daily how precious she is and makes sure she gets plenty of lap time, hugs and kisses. They also tell Sariel how sorry they are that her life has been stolen by the large-scale dog breeding industry. Even so, Sariel doesn’t hold any ill will despite the hand she has been dealt. However, those who know Sariel have vowed to use this tragedy to fuel their passion to educate the public and let them know that Sariel’s years of suffering and life that will be cut too short did not need to happen. In the words of Hearts United for Animals, “when the time comes that Sariel’s pain is too great we will hold her in our arms and let her go on to the next life. She will become an angel of guidance and hope for all of the mothers of pet store puppies still suffering in puppy mills.”
Sariel’s is just one of thousands of stories of the tragedies involved with large-scale dog breeding facilities that are negligent with their dogs.
You can click here to visit Hearts United for Animals to learn more about their organization, public education, rescue efforts and if you wish to donate. Hearts United for Animals is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Feel free to leave a message for Sariel in the comments section; Hearts United for Animals employees will read your notes to her and give her hugs and kisses from you.