Let’s find Alice her Wonderland – UPDATE !!!

Here’s an update on Alice.  Special thanks to Kara Blackburn for providing us with some additional information.

Alice - Photo courtesy of Southern Comfort Animal Rescue

We came to discover that Alice is actually owned by the elderly man’s (the one “housing” Alice) daughter. She showed Scott Bennett from Southern Comfort Animal Rescue the purchase papers, which indicated that she had paid $500 for Alice. We were told that Alice had been bred “a couple times” but from the way her breasts sag, it certainly appears that she’s been bred more than twice.  So, it can be presumed that one reason the owners don’t want to get rid of her is because they could use her for breeding again.

The police officer that went to determine whether Alice was living under acceptable conditions allowed Scott (Southern Comfort Animal Rescue) to provide an acceptable baseline.  If the owners complied, they would be able to keep her.  Scott indicated that Alice needed more adequate shelter, specifically a kennel appropriate for a dog; she needed daily distributions of water and food as well as a complete medical examination.

The owners did in fact move Alice into a larger chain link kennel with an igloo style doghouse.  They are using a small bedpan style bucket for her water, although it isn’t nearly large enough to hold enough water for a pit bull for multiple days, so we can’t determine whether she’s being adequately hydrated.  Plus, for several days in a row Alice’s dog dish was overturned in the same position, leading us to believe that she either has not been fed or that the owners are continuing to throw her food on the ground.  Amazingly, a local police officer said that he was okay with Alice being thrown food, indicating that it is actually the way he feeds his dog (great). New video of Alice here

The owner did take Alice to a veterinarian, but it appears that the examination was only a standard “healthy dog” vetting.  This meant that the vet ran no tests to determine whether Alice has any medical problems, including internal parasites, heartworms, or other issues.

Photo Courtesy of Southern Comfort Animal Rescue

When Scott told the police and the magistrate judge that Alice needed further examination, they informed Scott that the case was dead, stressing that, “The dog is healthy. We looked at her and we can tell.”  Again, it strains credulity that these officials can tell that a dog is healthy just by looking at it; any good vet will counter that a full battery of tests must be run before making such a statement with certainty.

The magistrate Judge Matheson, said that he would not approve animal cruelty charges, because the way the dog was treated was “in the past,” and that her situation had changed.  I feel that it is also important to bear in mind that when Scott asked about previous years’ rabies certificates, Judge Matheson said that there was no law that says people have to get their dogs vaccinated.  Again, we find it necessary to give Judge Matheson a bit of a refresher in the Rules and Regulations for the State of Georgia regarding rabies vaccinations.  Here is the law for your state…try applying it:

Rabies Control Law-O.C.G.A-31- 19

Georgia law requires that all owned dogs and cats be vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian using approved vaccines in accordance with the national Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control.

Clearly this judge will continue to turn a blind eye to the law he is supposed to apply based on the facts presented.  He continues to make up the law as he goes stating that the animal cruelty that Alice endured is “in the past.”  Not surprisingly Judge Matheson continues to make up the law as he goes. There is no statute of limitations for animal cruelty and considering this was brought to your attention last month I am sure animal cruelty qualifies.

Alice getting new friends by the hour - Photo courtesy of Southern Comfort Animal Rescue

I’ll leave you on a final note that is continuously ringing in the back of my mind. First, Alice’s owner has indicated that she has FOUR other dogs.  I think most us are concerned about what conditions those animals are in currently.  Second, I’m interested in knowing what she is using them for because after we have seen the condition that Alice was subjected to, I’m afraid there may be a darker, and perhaps illegal, purpose for them.  Certainly it isn’t for a loving companion animal.

“A nation can be judged by the way they treat their animals” ~ Ghandi

RALLY for Alice!  Information here

Alice Legal Fund


Posted in Animal Cruelty, Dog Stories, Dogs, News, Updates | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 12 Responses

Can you help Alice – the dog in the box???

We were horrified to read about Alice, a 6-year old female Pit Bull from Toombs County, Georgia. She came to the attention of rescuers in January after they found her living in a small, disgusting box, completely disregarded by a man who told authorities that he was taking care of the dog for his son-in-law who rarely visited (we’re afraid to find out what his definition of “rarely” means). The man indicated that Alice was kept in the box because she was one of those “mean kind of dogs,” referring to the dog’s breed as Pit bull.

Alice - Photo courtesy of Southern Comfort Animal Rescue

First, let’s look at Alice’s living conditions for the PAST 6 YEARS:
• Lived in a 5’x 8’ box since she was a PUPPY!
• The box was constructed of rotted wooden boards, tin and chicken wire, constructed in way that Alice could only see sunlight through the cracks of the structure
• The floor of the structure was never cleaned or washed, so Alice stepped, slept and lived on years of caked urine and feces
• The water that was provided was disgustingly unsanitary
• Her diet consisted solely of white bread, honey buns and occasional scraps that were thrown into the box via the slats in the wood

Rescuers contacted the man’s son-in-law to inquire as to whether they could purchase Alice to get her out of these filthy conditions but their offer was refused. We can’t figure out why someone who never visited and self-evidently didn’t care about the animal would not want to receive money for it.
The rescuers countered that they would push for animal cruelty charges and contacted the sheriff of Toombs County to visit the premises; that man told the rescuers that he was sickened by what he saw and would indeed file charges. However, Chief Magistrate John Matheson interceded by stating that he would “throw out” any charges of animal cruelty.

Alice getting a visitor in her box - Photo courtesy of Southern Comfort Animal Rescue

Really Judge Matheson? As a judge, is it your responsibility to make a decision or reach a conclusion AFTER examining the factual evidence and, here is the important part, to form an opinion AFTER evaluating the facts and applying the law. Judges are also supposed to be independent, impartial arbiters who do not impose their own prejudices or preconceptions into a case but rather apply the law as it applies to the facts at hand.
As a bit of a refresher, we’ve listed below the rules and regulations for the state of Georgia pertinent to this case, also known as the “Georgia Animal Protection Act.

Alice's Box for the past years - Photo courtesy of Southern Comfort Animal Rescue

§ 4-11-2. Definitions
(4) “Humane care” of animals means, but is not limited to, the provision of adequate heat, ventilation, sanitary shelter, and wholesome and adequate food and water, consistent with the normal requirements and feeding habits of the animals size, species, and breed.

Ga. Comp. Rules & Regulations r. 40-11-2-.01 (2011)

(1) “Adequate food and water” means food and water, which is sufficient in amount and appropriate for the particular type of animal to prevent starvation, dehydration, or a significant risk to the animal’s health from a lack of food or water.

(a) Adequate food means palatable, non-contaminated, and nutritionally adequate food that is fed according to the species requirements or is fed as directed by a veterinarian. Adequate food does not include garbage.

(b) Adequate water means clean, fresh, potable water offered to pets at suitable intervals according to the species requirements, or as dictated by naturally occurring states of hibernation normal for the species, or as directed by a veterinarian.

(2) “Adequate temperature control” means indoor housing facilities for pets are sufficiently heated and/or cooled when necessary to protect the animals from excessive heat or from chilling, freezing or from any physical damage. Except for equines, the ambient temperatures should not be allowed to fall below 450F or rise above 850F, for animals that are not acclimated.

(3) “Adequate ventilation” means indoor housing facilities for pets are adequately ventilated to provide for the health of the animals at all times. Such facilities must be provided with fresh air either by means of windows, doors, vents, fans, or air conditioning and should be ventilated so as to minimize drafts, odors, and moisture condensation.

(14) “Humane care” of animals means, but is not limited to, the provision of adequate heat, ventilation, sanitary shelter, and wholesome and adequate food and water, consistent with the normal requirements and feeding habits of the animal’s size, species, and breed. Inhumane care includes any act, omission, or neglect, which causes unjustifiable physical pain, suffering, or death to any living animal.

(19) “Maintain” means to keep or keep up, or to keep in a certain condition.

(27) “Primary enclosure” means any structure or device used to restrict an animal or animals to a limited amount of space, such as a building, room, pen, run, cage, aquarium, hutch, stall, paddock, pasture, or animal transfer vehicle.

(31) “Sanitation” means the maintenance of conditions conducive to health and involves bedding changes (as appropriate), cleaning, and disinfection. Cleaning removes excessive amounts of dirt and debris, and disinfection reduces or eliminates unacceptable concentration of microorganisms. To sanitize, therefore, means to make physically clean, and, to the maximum degree practical, remove and destroy agents injurious to health.

§ 4-11-16. (2011) Penalties

(a) Except as otherwise provided in Code Section 16-12-4 or 16-12-37, any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR and shall be punished as provided in Code Section 17-10-3; provided, however, that if such offense is committed by a corporation, such corporation shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $1,000.00 for each such violation, community service of not less than 200 hours nor more than 500 hours, or both.

(b) Each violation of this article shall constitute a separate offense.

If you’re similarly outraged by Judge Mathison’s callous indifference to Alice’s plight, please join us by signing this petition urging him to reconsider his opinion and bring an end to the horrendous circumstances Alice must endure.  Southern Comfort Animal Rescue (SCAR = A scar means the pain is over and the healing can begin) has spearheaded this petition and is pushing for not only charges of animal cruelty but for Alice’s removal from the owner’s/son-in-law/daughter/etc care immediately.     Please take a moment to sign the petition here and write a letter or call Judge Matheson and Sheriff Knight of Toombs County.  Let Toombs County know that this horrendous behavior will not be tolerated.

Petition for Alice

Photo courtesy of Southern Comfort Animal Rescue

Chief Magistrate John “Chip” Matheson
147 Jerry Avenue
Lyons, GA, 30436
Work Phone: 912 -526- 8984
Fax: 912-526-8985

Sheriff Alvie Lee Kight, Jr.

Posted in Animal Rights Activism, Dog Stories, Dogs, News | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 16 Responses

To all of our Fans around the world we say….


Represented below is how we want to say thank you to all our fans around the world in your native language.  Our sincerest thank-you’s as today ZoeyStory on Facebook reached 5,000 fans (or likes)!  This has been a goal for ZoeyStory and Protected Paws for quite some time so we wanted to say THANK YOU to all of our fans around the world who have made this happen!

Arabic – shukran ♥ Bulgarian – merci / blagodaria ♥ Burmese – kyay tzu tin pa te ♥ Chinese, Cantonese – do jeh ♥ Chinese, Mandarin – xiè xie  ♥ Czech – děkuji  ♥ Danish – tak  ♥ Dutch – dank u wel  ♥ Finnish – kiitos  ♥  French – merci  ♥ German – danke  ♥  Greek – ευχαριστώ  ♥  Hawaiian – mahalo  ♥  Hebrew – toda  ♥  Hungarian – köszönöm  ♥  Irish Gaelic – go raibh maith agat  ♥  Italian – grazie  ♥  Japanese – arigatô ♥ Korean – kamsah hamnida ♥  Latin – gratias agimus  ♥  Norwegian – takk  ♥  Persian – motashakkeram  ♥  Polish – dziękuję  ♥  Portuguese – obrigada  ♥  Russian – спасибо  ♥   Scottish Gelic – tapadh leat  ♥  Slovak – dakujem  ♥  Spanish – muchas gracias  ♥ Swahili – asante  ♥  Swedish – tack  ♥  Tagalog – salamat po ♥  Thai – kop khun kha  ♥  Turkish – tesekkur ederim ♥  Ukrainian – diakuiu ♥ United States – Thank you  ♥  Welsh – diolch  ♥  Yiddish – a dank  ♥ Zoey & Abby –  WOOF  ♥♥♥♥

Here is a look at all of us! (Click on the Picture)

February 10, 2011 we reached 5000 FANS!!!

Posted in Animal Rights Activism, Dog Stories, Dogs, News, Protected Paws, Updates, Zoey | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Responses

TAG! You’re it!

We (Kris, actually) found the most adorable pet tags for your dog or cat.

Hello! My Name is Abby...

The company is called Sofa City Sweethearts.  You can find them by clicking here.

So unique!

They are offering a 10% discount for ZoeyStory and Protected Paws fans by using the Promotional/Coupon Code:  ProtectedPaws10 at checkout!

Hello My Name Is

The company is great at customizing the tags for you!  We bought 4 of them and cannot get enough of them!

Circle or Square....all in different sizes!

Posted in Updates | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Response

An Update on Prop B in Missouri

Last fall, the citizens of Missouri voted to strengthen the state’s ability to enforce minimum standards for dog breeders through a highly-publicized issue that became known as Proposition B, which we wrote about here.

Amazing work by Matson - The People's House and The Dog's House

Now, a well-funded opposition group is working to undermine the outcome of that vote.  Check out this recent editorial in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Missouri’s largest and most respected newspaper, which discusses and disagrees with the recent steps a number of legislators have taken against the will of the people.

Those opposed to Prop B have legitimate arguments, most notably that the regulation was passed by a narrow margin of Missourians.  However, their constant conflation of large-scale dog breeding facilities with all other types of breeders is hard to believe and diminishes the validity of what they are saying.  Dogs are not livestock — they are pets and members of their owner’s family, not a meal (as could be the case with cows or chickens, to name two).

Most proponents of Prop B don’t want to stop breeders from earning a living; they simply want to implement a minimum set of standards that ensure that the animals within those facilities can have quality lives, whether they are moms and dads or puppies.  Conditions like those at the farm where Zoey was born are unacceptable for any living being.

Zoey's father at a puppy mill auction

The standards set forth in Prop B aren’t outrageous or overly onerous.  So why is providing some level of care for animals  that can’t care or speak for themselves such a big deal?   Let’s hope that reason can overcome a well-funded opposition.

Posted in News, Protected Paws, Puppy Mills, Zoey | Tagged , , , | 1 Response

Adopted Abby in Bissell’s Most Valuable Pet Contest to raise $$$ for Sebastian County Humane Society


Abby, big sister to Zoey, has been entered into the Bissell Most Valuable Pet Contest.

Abby was adopted from the Sebastian County Humane Society about 5 years ago and has been one of the best things that could have happened to our family.  She is one of the best companion’s anyone could as for out of a pet.  We want to give back to the Sebastian County Humane Society for all the tremendous, hard work they do in Fort Smith, Arkansas.  Please take a second to vote by clicking RIGHT HERE.  Bissell does not do any spamming and you can vote daily.  We appreciate all your support.

X-Walk in NYC

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