So by this point next week I will be at the puppy auction bidding on Zoey’s Mom and Dad. I cannot publish this blog yet as there is a chance as the word could get to Missouri. I doubt Evelyn really cares as long as her dogs bring good money. I hav been watching videos online and trying to prepare myself as best as I can for Friday and Saturday. I don’t think anything can prepare me. I watched the movie Earthlings and made it into about minute 21 before the tears came. Strike that, the tears and come and gone and come again and at minute 21 is when I had to turn it off. I just couldn’t handle it anymore.
One thought that comes to my mind is what if there are protesters there? I will be horrified but then again I want there to be protesters there. I want people there to feel uncomfortable. But, it’s in the middle of nowhere Missouri and I have not seen anything about it online from blogs or posts so I presume there will be little stir other than a race of puppy millers to increase their profit.