Where do we focus our attention pet stores vs. puppy mills?

Our hope is that anyone who’s reading this blog agrees with us that puppy mills are insidious and that every day they’re in business is one extra day too many.  So, how do we best stop them?  The answer is obviously not easy, and begs a clear and discrete strategy.



We have friends and acquaintances that have successfully targeted upscale and downscale pet stores in cities and towns that sell mill dogs, educating them about the hideous conditions these dogs are exposed to and consequently getting them to stop the practice and instead get their animals from pounds and shelters.  We appreciate, respect and admire their passion and efforts — any success is one more step in the right direction.  But these are also mostly one-offs, and while oftentimes positive change starts small and builds over time, there are so many pet stores and such a large and lucrative breeding industry that it will be impossible to end the practice in this way.

So, do we focus our attention on the easier to see side of things — pet stores — or do we attempt to make more meaningful, long-lasting change by focusing on the root of the problem, the puppy mill industry?

We’d love to know your thoughts, suggestions and ideas.

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